June 2023
Developed in 9 days
GDEX Game Jam 2023
3D Physics Puzzle
Unity (Windows)
4 minutes
Writer, Musician, Designer
The Doorman is a 3D physics-based puzzle game where you must navigate a giant door through a French château owned by the sometimes-friendly elder Inés. Try not to knock anything over on your way out!
My partner Patrick and I completed this game in Unity in 9 days as a part of the GDEX Game Jam 2023 under the theme "Outdoors." A panel of game industry veterans judging the jam ranked The Doorman 4th overall out of 20 total submissions, awarding our game an honorable mention.
While coming up with our core concept, scenario, and design, we wanted to focus on making a fun experience while subverting the jam's theme — taking "outdoor" quite literally — and we wanted to expand our skill sets and try something we had never done before in game development. So, in addition to writing, I learned to create the music for the game in Ableton.